
Showing posts from November, 2004


Nature has blessed humanity with a huge number of different herbs, Laden with tremendous amount of medicinal properties that can be deployed for the treatment and prevention of different ailments. Benefits of Herbal medicine The rate at which Herbal medicine has been increasing in popularity is to say the least, alarming. Also, it is important to note that this popularity of herbal medicine as it is today, is backed by concrete evidence and testimonies. This only goes to confirm what researchers like Dr. Batmangheldj had always proclaimed in his lifetime. He said the human body being Nature can only be cured by Natural substances and not by inorganic chemical drugs. Herbal medicine benefits include: 1. Cost effectiveness and affordability of Herbal products: Modern medical practice and pharmaceutical drugs are becoming more expensive that the common man can hardly afford them. The growing testimonies of increasing effectiveness of herbal medicine, coupled with much lower occurr...