Jatropha curcas and cassava extracts against HIV / AIDS

 The remedy we offer you for HIV is a remedy made from the leaves, roots and bark of jatropha curcas and cassava. It is the “goodbye AIDS” miracle cure used in the treatment of HIV / AIDS. The extracts of each plant are dried and crushed to create a very effective natural remedy for eliminating the HIV virus in the body. Here are some properties of our natural remedy:

-Fight against inflammation;
-Inhibits HIV induced cytopathic effects with low cytotoxicity
-Calms fever:
-Treats colic and dysentery

All these properties are due to the various flavonoids and other components obtained from the various ingredients.

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AIDS – acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, a fatal disease caused by HIV (human immunodeficiency virus). At present, mankind does not have a drug capable of overcoming this disease. That is why prevention is considered the basis of the fight. For the first time, scientists only started talking about AIDS in the 1980s, although the virus began to manifest itself in the 1930s in West Africa. Then the doctors did not pay much attention to these cases, considering them to be rare forms of pneumonia. Now the name is used to indicate only the overt stage or the last stage of infection with HIV.


Natural remedy of organic treatment against HIV

Red Jatropha: The plant calledCassava: Leaves with incredibly digestible roots - The ...

The remedy we offer you for HIV is a remedy made from the leaves, roots and bark of jatropha curcas and cassava. It is the “goodbye AIDS” miracle cure used in the treatment of HIV / AIDS. The extracts of each plant are dried and crushed to create a very effective natural remedy for eliminating HIV in the body. No need to tire yourself out looking for all the components and lose yourself in hazardous doses, our natural remedy is there for you. What makes the difference between traditional herbalists and professionals is the control of the dosage. Maximize your chances of being cured of HIV / AIDS by getting the natural remedy now.

Duration of treatment

To cure HIV, that is to say, to have a zero viral load after test results a few weeks apart, it will be necessary to follow the treatment rigorously. The treatment will be taken over a period of two months for optimal effectiveness.

Find out below about the many uses of jatropha and what makes it a good natural remedy for HIV.


Symptoms of HIV

red HIV ribbon

Primary symptoms: fever up to 37–38 °C; enlargement of several lymph nodes; the appearance of pain when swallowing; red spots on the skin and mucous membranes; prolonged diarrhea. Often, people do not pay attention to these symptoms, seeing the illness as cold or mild poisoning. In addition, the main signs of AIDS disappear quickly, although the virus itself leads an active life inside the human body. On average, HIV is invisible for 10 to 12 years, until it begins to show its full potential. As the HIV infection progresses, accompanied by a weakened immune system, the patient shows the first real signs of AIDS. First, these are diseases that spread quickly and without consequences in healthy people,


Jatropha curcas

Flora of Zambia: Species information: individual images: Jatropha ...

Jatropha curcas, also known as the Barbadian nut, is a perennial shrub or small tree belonging to the Euphorbiaceae or spurge family. The region of its exact origin is uncertain, but it is assumed to be Mexico and Central America. However, it was introduced to Africa and is now cultivated around the world. Some of the popular common names for barbados are  barbados, bedbugs, big purge nut, black vomit nut, tangy brazil nut, bubble bush, cuban physical nut, curcas bean, fig nut, physical nut, pork nut, nut poison, purge, nut purge, nut purge, wild castor, jatropha and Mexican pine .

The genus name Jatropha is derived from two Greek words jatr’os (physician) and troh’e (food), indicating its valuable use in traditional medicine. The specific epithet, ‘curcas’, was first used by Portuguese physician Garcia de Orta over 400 years ago.


Jatropha curcas fact sheet

Name : barbados nuts

Scientific name : Jatropha curcas

Origin : American tropics, probably Mexico and Central America

Colors : Green when the young ripens to dark brown

Fruit : Shape Broadly ellipsoid capsule 2.5–3 cm × c. 2 cm, smooth skin

Taste : Sweet, pungent, bitter

Some conditions treated with jatropha : Ear infection, cervical cancer, treatment of facial muscle paralysis, ease of childbirth, healing of gas stomach, pain relief, treatment of jaundice , treatment of vaginal discharge, male vitality, relief of inflammation, cure of skin problems, cure of fever, gentle defecation, rheumatic cure, Treat skin blisters and scratches


Some facts about jatropha curcas that make it an excellent remedy for HIV

-Fight against inflammation;

-Has notable use in the treatment of several sexually transmitted diseases (STDs);

-Powerful antimicrobial agents: Secondary metabolites extracted from the stem bark exert antimicrobial activities by different mechanisms;

-Inhibits HIV induces cytopathic effects with low cytotoxicity (aqueous extract of branches);

-Dysentery and colic;

-Used to calm fever;

– Seed oil is used in some African countries for the treatment of syphilis;

-Use in several West African countries for the treatment of malaria;

-Anti-parasitic activity;

-Dysentery and colic (we use the juice of the leaves).


Other uses

Skin disease: how to recognize the different symptoms ...

  • Wounds  : Apply fresh barbados latex to your wounds. It helps to heal them quickly.
  • Skin diseases:  Use barbados nut latex as an ointment on damaged skin.
  • Gum disease:  use barbados nut leaf decoction as a mouthwash.
  • Scab  : Make a decoction of barbados nut leaves. Wash your infected skin with it.
  • Abscess  :  Grind the  leaves of Barbados nuts to make a paste. Apply it on the abscess.
  • Galactagogue  : Heat a few leaves of barbados nuts. Tie them in a piece of fabric. Use it as a poultice on your chest.
  • Purgative  : roasted 3-4 seeds of barbados . Take them with lukewarm water.
  • Insufficient Breast Milk:  Barbados nut poultice is good for increasing milk production. Heat 3 to 4 barbados nut leaves. Put on the breast and the bandage.

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